What are Comparison Insights

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

Comparison insights are the insights focused on the finding the difference between two different values of a measure based on the driving factor and time period selected for the insight.

For example, you can select the driving factor as Sales and then select Country as the measure with 'Germany' and 'Portugal' as two values for comparison and time period as Last 6 months.

With this insight, you can find the reasons for difference in the sales in these two courtiers for the selected time period.

Key elements of comparison insight 

Overall Change

The section displays the difference between two values selected for a measure and based on the selected driving factor.

You can view the aggregation for both the values and also the percentage of the difference.

Understand the Changes

The What page in the comparison insight shows the top changes observed in the values of a measure due to contributing factors.

In the changes list, you can click the contributor to view the detailed analysis in a chart format.

Understand the Reasons

The Why page in the comparison insight shows the top reasons for the differences observed in the values of a measure due to various contributing factors.

In the reasons list, you can click the reason to view the list of contributors for that reason. Click the contributor to view the detailed analysis in a chart format.

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