Chart Operations

Add to Vizpad

With this option, you can add your chart to a new Vizpad or to the existing Vizpad. For more information about adding a chart to Vizpad, see Adding a chart to Vizpad.

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Table View

With this option, you can toggle the view between the chart view and the table view. In the table view, you can view the data in a tabular format.

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Switch Chart type

With the Switching option, you can change the type of the chart that you are currently viewing. When you click the icon, the chart panel appears showing all available chart types from which you can s…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Change Chart Config

With this option, you can change the configuration of the selected chart. When you click the Settings icon, the Configuration panel appears. In the Configuration panel, you can change fields, field o…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Apply Filters

With this option, you can apply the filter condition for the chart. When you click the Filter icon, the Filter panel appears. In the Filter panel, you can select the column for filter condition. Once…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Change Formatting

You can use this option to change the formatting of the chart. When you click the Formatting icon, the Formatting panel appears with the collapsible panels for different options. You can set the foll…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Measure Aggregation - Market Share Change

Market Share Analysis provides deeper insights into the contribution of a dimension group to another group in the same dimension or another. For example: Analyzing the portion of an industry's sales…


View Raw Data

With this option, you can view the background raw data from the data source. When you click the Detailed Data menu, the chart panel displays the table with raw data used to display the chart for the…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Download/ Export

With this option, you can download the chart as image in JPG and PNG format, as PDF , and as CSV. When you click the Download icon, the Download panel appears with options to choose for downloading t…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Embed URL

With this option, you can embed the chart into your website or any other HTML site. When you click the Embed URL menu, the Embed URL panel appears with URL of the chart. You can copy the URL and past…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda
