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Environment FAQs

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

What is the default size of the server?

200GB, 64 core, 512 GB ram for a cluster. The number of clusters needed depends on the size of the data, number of users, and the kind of work they do on a daily basis.

What cloud providers can we deploy on?

Amazon (preferred) and Azure.

Can the workload be distributed into multiple nodes?

Tellius can be deployed on a single machine for smaller datasets. For complex machine learning and larger datasets, we do recommend a multi-node deployment. Additionally, Tellius supports both horizontal and vertical scaling. Tellius uses a distributed in-memory architecture using Apache Spark and other highly distributed technologies. The system can be horizontally scaled to guarantee customer performance requirements.

Does Tellius support automatic node failover and backups?

Yes. Tellius supports high availability, failover, and backups. Kubernetes master runs in different zones to ensure that the Kubernetes is always up. Each Tellius service runs as Kubernetes Replication Set allowing more than one instance to be available at a time (in the same or different regions).

Does Tellius provide native dashboards that can help monitor the health of the system and the usage logs?

Tellius uses Kubernetes dashboard to monitor the machines and clusters. Tellius uses Prometheus for all the service-level monitoring.

Does the technology support SSO (i.e., LDAP & SAML)?

Tellius platform supports standard authentication and authorization protocols. As a part of authentication, LDAP and/or any other SAML 2.0 based IDP systems can be set up. This will allow users/groups/roles to be authenticated against organizational IDP systems and keep them in sync.

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