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User roles and permissions

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

User access and permissions within Tellius are controlled through roles. Each role is designed to give users the necessary permissions to perform their specific tasks while maintaining the security and integrity of data within the platform. Here, we outline the various user roles available in Tellius, along with the permissions associated with each role.

User roles in Tellius

  1. Admin
  2. Power user
  3. Interactive explorer
  4. Explorer
  5. Discover
  6. View only

Role-based permissions


The Admin role is designed for users who need full access to the platform's features and settings. Admins have the highest level of permissions, allowing them to manage users, security settings, data sources, and more.

  • Data import: Full access to import data from any source.
  • Data source management: Ability to share and view any data source.
  • Data preparation: Full control over data transformations and sharing prepared data.
  • Business View: Create, edit, and share business views, calculated columns, and column groupings.
  • Data export: Export data from preparations, business views, Vizpad, Insights, and Searches.
  • Search capabilities: Admins can perform default searches, use Kaiya search, create/edit learnings, add visualizations to Vizpad, and create insights.
  • Vizpad: Full permissions to create, edit, and share visualizations.
  • Insight creation: Create, edit, and share insights.
  • Feed management: Create and edit feeds.
  • Predictive modeling: Create and apply predictive models.
  • Settings: Complete control over user & group management, security settings, embedding, user licensing, and application settings.
Power user

Power users have comprehensive access but are limited in certain administrative functions compared to Admins. Power user roles require broad access for day-to-day data operations but do not need to manage the Tellius security or user configurations.

  • Data import: Can import data from any source.
  • Data source management: Can share and view data sources.
  • Data preparation: Can perform any data transformations and share prepared data.
  • Business View: Allowed to create, edit, and share business views, calculated columns, and column groupings.
  • Data export: Can export data from preparations, business views, Vizpad, Insights, and Searches.
  • Search capabilities: Power Users can perform default searches, use Kaiya search, create/edit learnings, add visualizations to Vizpad, and create insights.
  • Vizpad: Can create, edit, and share visualizations.
  • Insight creation: Can create, edit, and share insights.
  • Feed management: Can create and edit feeds.
  • Predictive modeling: Can create and apply predictive models.
  • Settings: Can manage user & group settings, embedding, and application settings (but cannot access user licensing or security settings).
Interactive explorer

Interactive Explorers have extensive access to explore and interact with data, making them ideal for users focused on data analysis but with limitations on administrative functions and model creation.

  • Data import: Allowed to import data from any source.
  • Data source management: Can share and view data sources.
  • Data preparation: Can perform data transformations and share prepared data.
  • Business View: Can create, edit, and share business views, calculated columns, and column groupings.
  • Data export: Can export data from preparations, business views, Vizpad, Insights, and Searches.
  • Search capabilities: Can perform default searches, use Kaiya search, create/edit learnings, add visualizations to Vizpad, and create insights.
  • Vizpad: Can create, edit, and share visualizations.
  • Insight creation: Can create, edit, and share insights.
  • Feed management: Can create and edit feeds.
  • Predictive modeling: No permissions for creating or applying models.
  • Settings: No access to user & group management, security, embedding, user licensing, or application settings.

Explorers are users primarily focused on exploring and analyzing data. They have permissions to work with data but cannot make changes to settings, key data configuration, share or manage other users.

  • Data import: Limited to certain data sources, based on organizational settings.
  • Data source management: Can view data sources but cannot share.
  • Data preparation: Can perform data transformations but with no sharing capability.
  • Business View: Can create and edit business views, calculated columns, and column groupings, but cannot share.
  • Data export: Can export data from business views, Vizpad, Insights, and Searches (but not from preparations).
  • Search capabilities: Can perform default searches and use Kaiya search, but cannot create/edit learnings, add visualizations to Vizpad, or create insights.
  • Vizpad: Can create and edit visualizations but cannot share.
  • Insight creation: Can create and edit insights but cannot share.
  • Feed management: No permissions for creating or editing feeds.
  • Predictive modeling: No permissions for creating or applying models.
  • Settings: No access to user & group management, security, embedding, user licensing, or application settings.

The Discover role is tailored for users who need read-only access to view data without the ability to make modifications or create new analyses.

  • Data import: No permissions to import data.
  • Data source management: Can view data sources but cannot share or modify.
  • Data preparation: No permissions for data transformations or sharing.
  • Business View: Can view business views, calculated columns, and column groupings, but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Data export: Can export data from Vizpad, Insights, and Searches (but not from preparations or business views).
  • Search capabilities: Limited to performing default searches and using Kaiya search; cannot create/edit learnings, add visualizations to Vizpad, or create insights.
  • Vizpad: Can view visualizations but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Insight creation: Can view insights but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Feed management: No permissions.
  • Predictive modeling: No permissions.
  • Settings: No access.
The Explorer and Discover roles can be combined into a single role so that the user can fully leverage the permissions granted to both, exploring and analyzing data while still maintaining a more controlled environment.
View only

View only users have the most restricted access, allowing them to view data and visualizations without any ability to modify or create content.

  • Data import: No permissions.
  • Data source management: Can view data sources but cannot share or modify.
  • Data preparation: No permissions.
  • Business View: Can view business views but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Data export: Can export data from Vizpad and Insights only.
  • Search capabilities: Limited to performing default searches; cannot use Kaiya search or create/edit learnings.
  • Vizpad: Can view visualizations but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Insight creation: Can view insights but cannot create, edit, or share.
  • Feed management: No permissions.
  • Predictive modeling: No permissions.
  • Settings: No access.

User roles and permissions matrix

Permissions Admin Power User Interactive Explorer Explorer Discover View Only
Data Import Full access Full access Full access Limited (org settings) No access No access
Data Source Management Full access Full access Full access View only View only View only
Data Preparation Full control Full control Full control Limited (no sharing) No access No access
Business View Create, edit, and share Create, edit, and share Create, edit, and share Create, edit (no sharing) View only View only
Data Export Full access Full access Full access Limited (no preparations) Limited (Vizpad, Insights, Searches) Limited (Vizpad, Insights only)
Search Capabilities Full access (default, Kaiya, Learnings, Insights) Full access (default, Kaiya, Learnings, Insights) Full access (default, Kaiya, Learnings, Insights) Limited (default, Kaiya only) Limited (default, Kaiya only) Limited (default search only)
Vizpad Full access (create, edit, share) Full access (create, edit, share) Full access (create, edit, share) Create and edit (no sharing) View only View only
Insight Creation Full access (create, edit, share) Full access (create, edit, share) Full access (create, edit, share) Create and edit (no sharing) View only View only
Feed Management Full access (create, edit) Full access (create, edit) Full access (create, edit) No access No access No access
Predictive Modeling Full access (create, apply) Full access (create, apply) No access No access No access No access
Settings Full control (user & group, security, embedding, licensing, settings) Limited access (no security, licensing) No access No access No access No access

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