Change Formatting

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

You can use this option to change the formatting of the chart.

When you click the Formatting icon, the Formatting panel appears with the collapsible panels for different options.

You can set the following options:

  • Title: The title of the chart. For the title, you can set the font, size, and the color.
  • Legend: The legends for the information displayed in the chart. For the legend, you can set the font, size, and color.
  • Chart color: The color of the chart. The option displays the color palette to display different objects in the chart with different colors.
  • Y&X axis label: The label for the X-axis and Y-axis in the chart. For each label, you can set the font, size, and color. Additionally, you can also change the scale of the X-axis.
  • Background: The background color and grid lines for the chart.
  • Data Label: The data labels of each dimension displayed in the chart. For the data label, you can set the font, size, and color.

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