Insights (Discover) - Best Practices

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Insights serve as a vital tool to decode the narratives hidden within your data, helping you make informed, data-driven decisions.

Best Practices

  1. Understand the granularity of the data as it determines the insights that you will get as a result. Ensure that the data is properly aggregated to understand the key characteristics of certain types of invoices or transactions.
  2. Utilize the Insights generation feature from Search or Vizpads that help explore the “why” from ad-hoc questions. Selecting anomalies provides the “Understand Why” option, which is a one-click trend insight that uses all features.
  3. Configuring Insights from the Discover tab allows for a more “hypothesis” driven approach to answering questions.
  4. To accelerate the Insights generation, it is recommended to exclude unnecessary or irrelevant columns (e.g., columns named "user ID", "product number") during the creation of Insights.
  5. Use the Edit option for pre-existing Insights. This allows quick iteration through Insights by including or excluding more columns, changing time periods, or filters from the original Insight rather than reconfiguring from scratch each time.
  6. Save/move Insights to Projects, which is an effective way to organize content that can easily be shared with users or user groups.

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