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Search query execution

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

After connecting with Tellius, the embedding app will contain the Search page component from Tellius. Once the Search page is loaded in the embedding app, users can type the required query in the search box.


After typing the query and clicking on Enter, the following postMessage (consisting of the query) will be sent from Tellius:

"query":"show total profit"

After receiving the result, the following postMessage will be sent from Tellius:

"title":"Total profit",
"responseText":"**Total profit** is **2698921**",


"query":"show total profit",
"tokenString":"total profit",
"tokenString":"avg profit",

"tokenString":"min profit",

"tokenString":"max profit",

"tokenString":"total profit",

"tokenString":"marketShare profit",

"tokenString":"sum cost",

"tokenString":"sum customer_id",

"tokenString":"sum revenue",

"tokenString":"sum store_id",

"tokenString":"sum competition_distance",

"tokenString":"sum store_lat",

"tokenString":"sum store_lon",

"tokenString":"sum store_zip",

"tokenString":"sum age",


"original":"show total profit",

"chartTitle":"Total profit",


Add to Vizpads

For more details on adding Search to a Vizpad, please refer to this section.

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