Data Fusion

About Data Fusion

Data Fusion is the process of combining data from multiple sources and build more sophisticated models. With fusion, you can produce more consistent, accurate, and valuable information than the infor…


Auto Suggestions

Auto Suggest is the option by which you can select columns from each dataset to match for the fusion. Based on the matching result, Tellius completes the data fusion. Select any one of the following…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Column Selections

Column Selections is the option by which you can select the columns that you want to display in the combined dataset. To select the columns: Click in the Select columns field and type the column name…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Cache & Copy

After selecting appropriate values in fields, you can save the settings to create a new dataset by the data fusion of the selected data set. In the New Dataset Name field, enter the name of the new d…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda
