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Anomaly management for charts

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Admins can now control the visibility of anomalies in line charts at different levels to improve the performance of Vizpads and Search.

  • Instance level
  • Vizpad level
  • Chart level
The anomalies can be enabled and disabled only for line charts.

Instance level

Under Settings --> Application Settings, click on Anomalies in the left pane.

  • Display anomalies in Search - If enabled, the anomalies will be displayed for charts in Search.
  • Display anomalies in Explore (Vizpads) - If enabled, the anomalies will be displayed for charts in Vizpads.
  • Maximum number of anomalies to be displayed for a chart - Provide the maximum number of anomalies to be displayed per chart (in Search and Vizpads). If the number of anomalies exceeds the threshold value specified in a chart, then the anomalies will be automatically hidden.

What happens when the anomalies per chart exceed the set limit?

  1. For any chart that exceeds the maximum number of anomalies (as configured in Application Settings), Tellius automatically hides the anomalies to avoid potential performance impact.
  2. In such cases, the message "Anomalies are disabled to avoid potential performance issues" will be displayed on the respective chart with two options ✅ and ❌.
  1. Continue without anomalies - Click on ✅ to keep the anomalies hidden for the specific chart.
    Show anomalies anyways - Click on ❌ to display the anomalies for the specific chart.

Vizpad level

Enabling/disabling anomalies in Vizpads level will not change the instance level settings configured in Application Settings.

Vizpads (Explore)

View mode
  1. Click on the required Vizpad from Explore tab.
  2. On the top panel, you can find an array of icons. The first icon allows you to enable/disable anomalies for the current Vizpad.
  1. If the icon is enabled (blue in color), then anomalies will be displayed for line charts in the Vizpad.
  2. Click on the icon to show/hide anomalies as required. Everytime the button is clicked, a message will be displayed on the top of the screen informing whether the anomalies are enabled/disabled.
Edit mode
  1. Click on the Edit button on the required Vizpad.
  2. On the top right corner, click on the Settings icon. If Enable Anomalies toggle is enabled, then anomalies will be displayed for line charts. If the toggle is disabled, then the anomalies will be hidden.

Chart level

Enabling/disabling anomalies in chart level (in Search and Vizpads) will not change the instance level settings configured in Application Settings, or the Vizpad level setting.
  1. Users have the flexibility to show/hide the anomalies displayed in search query results.
  2. In the right Configuration pane, enable the Show Anomalies toggle to display the anomalies in a chart. Turn off the toggle if you want to hide anomalies for the chart.


View mode
  1. Click on the required Vizpad from Explore tab.
  2. For any line chart, click on the three-dot kebab menu and select Enable Anomalies to display the anomalies or Disable Anomalies to hide the anomalies.
Edit mode
  1. Click on the Edit button on the required Vizpad.
  2. In the right Configuration pane, enable the Show Anomalies toggle to display the anomalies in a chart. Turn off the toggle if you want to hide anomalies for the chart.

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