Share ML model

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

You can share your model with other users or user groups.

Note: When you share your model, the business view, data sets, and data sources associated with the model will also be shared with the user in the selected sharing mode.
  1. In the left navigation bar, click the Predict icon.
  2. On the Predict page, move the mouse pointer on the model page that you want to move.
  3. Click the Menu button and select Share Model option.
    You can also click the Share button on the panel.
  4. In the Share Model dialog box, enter the name of the user or user group.
    As you type the name, the list of available names appear. From the list, select the required user to add in the sharing list.
  5. Click the drop-down list next to the name field and select the sharing mode.
    You can share you model either in view only mode or edit mode.
  6. Click the Share button.

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