Edit / Publish Datasets

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

After you load the dataset to prepare it for Tellius to use it for generating valuable insights, you can edit the dataset and make the necessary changes to the columns of the dataset.

Once you complete the changes to the column, you can publish the changes to make them effective.

  1. On the Prepare page, click the Edit button.
  2. Move the mouse pointer on the column header and click the down arrow to get options to edit the column.
  3. Select any of the following options to make the necessary changes:



    Data Type

    Change the data type of the column to another applicable format.

    Note: If you change the format to incorrect format, you may loose the data in the column. For example, if you change the String type column to Double or Integer, the column values will be changed to null and you can not revert the original values.

    Column Type

    Change the column type from Measure to Dimension and vice versa.

    Feature Type

    Change the type of the feature. It can be a categorical or continuous.


    Transform the column by performing various actions to the column.

    Special Types

    Change the type of the column to special types.

    For example,

    • Country
    • State
    • City
    • Country
    • Zip

    Text Transform

    Change the format of the text in the column to any of the following format:

    • Upper case: Changes all text in the column to upper case.
    • Lower case: Changes all text in the column to lower case.
    • Remove Stop words: Removes the stop words from the text in the column. For example, removing the words unwanted to natural language processing. For example, 'a', 'an', 'the', etc.
    • Stem: Changes the text from its original form to the stem format. Basically, changing the text from its derived format to the stem format. For example, changing 'waiting' to 'wait'.


    Sets the synonym for the column.

    While generating the insights, Tellius can use the synonym for the column instead of the actual column name.

    For more information, see Creating a synonym.

    Filter Column

    Add a filter condition to the column.

    The value that matches with the filter conditions will appear in the column.

    For more information, Adding a filter to the column.

    Delete Column

    Deletes the column immediately.

    Note: Tellius does not display any warning message before deleting the column.
  4. Click the Publish button to make the changes effective.

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