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Customizing Tellius

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

To make Tellius more personalized for your organization, you can customize its appearance by adding your own logo and changing the color scheme.

Please note that the customization can only be performed by super users.

Changing the logo

Here are the steps to customize your logo and theme in Tellius:

  1. In the left panel, click on the user icon in the bottom corner.
  2. Select Settings → Application Settings → Styles.
  1. Under Square Logo, click on Replace button and choose the required image. Or, click on Revert to Default logo to restore the Tellius logo.
Upload a square-sized image of your logo, preferably in 1:1 aspect ratio for optimal display. The supported file formats are .png, .jpg, .svg and the maximum file size is 5 MB.
  1. The square logo will be visible in the following areas:
  • Home icon (top left corner in the pane)
  • In the menu when users click on the user icon in the bottom left corner (near the version number)
  • Favicon (icon in the browser tab)
  1. Under Full Logo, click on Replace button and choose the required image. Or, click on Revert to Default logo to restore the Tellius logo.
Upload a rectangular-sized image suitable for wider display areas. The supported file formats are .png, .jpg, and .svg and the maximum file size is 5 MB.
  1. The full logo will be visible in the following areas:
  • Login page
  • Error pages
  • Clicking on the user icon (bottom left corner) and selecting "About"


Changing the color palette

  1. In the left panel, click on the user icon in the bottom corner.
  2. Select Settings → Application Settings → Styles.
  3. Under Default Color Palette, click on the dropdown icon to view and select the required palette.
  4. The selected palette would be used across Tellius. However, for every individual Vizpad or chart in a Vizpad, users can change the color scheme as required.

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