Automating the generation of metadata

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Tellius Kaiya can generate metadata—display names, synonyms, descriptions—relevant to each column, irrespective of the number of columns in a dataset. This saves you significant time and effort, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.

  1. Navigate to Data → Prepare → Metadata. Choose the required dataset from the left pane and click on Edit.
  2. Metadata can be generated in two ways:
    1. For a single column
    2. For multiple columns (bulk operation)
2 a) For a single column

To generate metadata for a single column, hover over any required column, and the purple wand will appear at the right end. Click on the wand to generate the display name/synonym/description.

2 b) For multiple columns
  1. To generate metadata in bulk, there are a couple of ways in which you can select the required columns.

Option 1:

  • Click on the checkbox present near each column name.
  • The number of columns selected would be displayed under Column Name.

Option 2:

  • Click on Generate with Kaiya button at the right corner below the Data Pipeline. The following menu will be displayed.

  • As required, click on Display name or Synonyms or Description. Another submenu with options “All cells” and “Only empty cells” will be displayed.
    • All cells - Selects all the cells (including the ones which have already been populated).
    • Only empty cells - Selects only the empty cells which haven’t been populated.
  • If one of the above is clicked, then the table columns will be selected accordingly. The number of selected columns is mentioned below the Column name
  • Any column can be included/excluded by checking/unchecking the check box respectively.
  1. Once the required columns are selected, click on Generate button under Display name/Synonyms/Description.

  1. For the selected rows, the required metadata will be populated. The suggestions can be accepted in the following two ways:
  • Next to each generated metadata, you can click on ✅ to retain the suggestion or click on ❌ to dismiss it. The suggested metadata can also be edited before accepting.
  • If you are okay with all the suggested display names/synonyms/descriptions, then click on Accept All. To dismiss all the suggestions, click on Discard All.

Tellius Kaiya only generates suggestions and recommendations. Ultimately, it is the choice of the users whether to accept, edit, or discard the suggestions. The accepted metadata will be saved only after clicking on Publish.
The suggested metadata will be displayed in purple color. When they are accepted, they turn grey in color. Please note that the suggestions will be retained only if they are accepted.
  1. Finally, click on Publish button to save the metadata.
If you are using Kaiya to generate metadata for multiple columns, try to limit the number of columns to 25 or fewer. This will help optimize performance and ensure that the suggestions are generated quickly and accurately.

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