Median aggregation

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Dive deeper into your analytics with the addition of "median" as an aggregation and search keyword. The median represents the middle value in a sorted list, offering a more robust benchmark, especially in datasets with outliers or extreme values. Unlike the mean (or average), the median is less influenced by these extreme values. Moreover, for datasets that might be skewed or not normally distributed, the median offers a clearer snapshot of the data's center.

When you use "median" aggregation on a measure column, it returns the value from the row that sits right in the middle, representing the 50th percentile of the dataset. 

Users can leverage the median aggregation across Tellius:

  • Search: Median can be used as a keyword and aggregation for measures.
  • Vizpads: Median can be used as an aggregation for all measures.
  • In Data → Prepare tab:
    • Navigate to Data --> Aggregate, and the Aggregate Column dialog box opens. Under Standard → Select Aggregation column and type, median will be listed as an aggregation type.
    • In the statistics chart shown for measures, median will be listed as one of the aggregations.
    • In the Metadata view, median will be available as one of the default aggregations for measures.
    • In the Handle null values window of measures, median will be listed as one of options to be replaced with.
  • Tellius Assistant: Median can be used as an aggregation for measures in Tellius assistant.
  • Feed: Median can be used as an aggregation during Feed creation. 

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