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Adding Annotations to Tables

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

For table charts, users can add detailed comments directly within each table cell, complete with the option to attach images and documents for comprehensive communication. The “Comments” icon on each table leads to a consolidated view of all remarks, fostering collaboration and dialogue among users.

  1. In a Vizpad, add a new table by navigating Add chart --> Table. Provide the required configurations for creating the table.
  2. Save the Vizpad to comment on a table. Only if the Vizpad is saved, the Comments icon will be enabled.
  3. Click on the Comments icon in the top right corner of the table.
  4. Initially, since there are no comments, there will not be any comments to display.
  1. The consolidated comments section is divided into Cell, Row, and General.
  • Cell - Displays cell-level comments. These provide context or additional details about a specific data point.
  • Row - Displays row-level comments. These are used to discuss or highlight trends, anomalies, or insights relevant to an entire row. This is useful when a particular row's data is related, showing a significant pattern or result that applies across all cells in that row.
  • General - Displays table-level comments. These summarize the overall findings, providing general insights, or setting the scene for the detailed analysis contained within the table.
  1. The comments can be edited or deleted by clicking on the three-dot menu of every comment.
  1. Click on the "Reply" button to respond to a comment and start a thread.

Cell-level comments

  1. Click on a table cell and a small bubble icon with a "+" sign will be displayed.
  1. Click on the "+" sign to add a new comment. The comment text box will be displayed.
  2. Type the required comment. Attach any document or image as required.
  1. Click on Attach an image icon in the bottom left corner to attach the image. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  2. Click on Attach a document icon in the bottom left corner to attach any required document. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  3. Click on Save to save the comment or click on Cancel to discard.
  4. Alternatively, you can click on Comments icon and select Cell tab to add cell-level comments.

Row-level comments

  1. For any required row, click on the space before the first column. A small bubble icon with a "+" sign will be displayed.
  1. Click on the "+" sign to add a new comment. The comment text box will be displayed.
  2. Type the required comment. Attach any document or image as required.
  1. Click on Attach an image icon in the bottom left corner to attach the image. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  2. Click on Attach a document icon in the bottom left corner to attach any required document. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  3. Click on Save to save the comment or click on Cancel to discard.
  4. Alternatively, you can click on Comments icon and select Row tab to add row-level comments.

Table-level comments

  1. The comments that are common to the entire table can be found here.
  2. Table-level comments can be added only under the Comments --> General tab.
  3. Type the required comment. Attach any document or image as required.
  1. Click on Attach an image icon in the bottom left corner to attach the image. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  2. Click on Attach a document icon in the bottom left corner to attach any required document. The maximum file size supported is 2 MB.
  3. Click on Save to save the comment or click on Cancel to discard.

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