Embedding Vizpads

Steps to embed a Vizpad

Using the following steps, you can embed (using iFrame) Vizpad into your app. The embedded app refers to Tellius, whereas the embedding app refers to the app in which Tellius components are to be int…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Apply and delete filters

Applying filters. There are two ways in which you can apply filters to a Vizpad: Local Filter (filters applied to a Viz). Global filters (filters applied to all the Viz in a Vizpad). Local filter. To…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Vizpad-related actionTypes

A partial l ist of actionTypes supported. The actionType field can be used with any of the given values to get results for different types of tasks. Here is a partial collection of actionTypes suppor…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Edit, save, and share a Vizpad

Editing a Vizpad. telliusFrame.postMessage({ actionType: "enableEditModeForWindowComm" }, "*"); The default Cancel button will be removed when the above actionType is applied. Saving a Vizpad. To sav…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Keep, remove, drill sections

On right click of any chart in a Vizpad, you will get three options: Keep (refers to maintaining a section). Remove (refers to removing a section). Drill (drilling down to get insights). Keeping a se…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Adding a Viz to a Vizpad

To add a Viz (chart widget) to a Vizpad, telliusFrame.postMessage({ "actionType": "addToVizpad", "vizpadAndTabs": [{ //optional field "vizpadId": "ID_of_Vizpad", "tabIds":: ["t1", "t2"], //optional f…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya

Row-level policy filters

Steps to apply row-level policy. The URL needs to be obtained from the Tellius app. To know how to get the URL, please refer this section. Here's a sample URL: http://localhost:3000/dashboard/de013a6…

Ramya Priya
Updated by Ramya Priya
