Date Transforms

Extract Year

Extract Year is an option in the Date Transformation to extract the year from the date/time (Timestamp) type column. Tellius creates a duplicate column with the same name containing the year extracte…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Extract Month

Extract Month is an option in the Date Transformation to extract the month from the date/time (Timestamp) type column. Tellius creates a duplicate column with the same name containing the month extra…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Extract Day of Month

Extract Day of Month is an option in the Date Transformation to extract the day of the month from the date/time (Timestamp) type column. Tellius creates a duplicate column with the same name containi…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Extract Day of Week

Extract Day of Week is an option in the Date Transformation to extract the day of the week from the date/time (Timestamp) type column. Tellius creates a duplicate column with the same name containing…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda
