
Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Treemap chart provides elaborate, area-based visualization for hierarchical data. The large rectangles (representing tree branches) and the small rectangles (representing each node in that branch) are sized by the measure values. Treemap allows you to plot hundreds of data points that can help with quick comparisons.

Treemap chart

Under Explore, select the required Vizpad.

  1. Open the required Vizpad under Explore and click on Edit.
  2. Select the required viz whose chart type you need to change.
  3. Under Configuration, click on the Chart Type dropdown, and select Treemap chart.
Switching to treemap chart
  1. To add a new chart in a Vizpad, click on Add chart button on the top right corner and select treemap chart.
Adding new chart in a Vizpad
  1. Drag and drop the required columns under different fields.
  2. Click on the Algorithm dropdown to change the algorithm associated with the treemap charts.
Algorithm charts
  1. The treemap algorithm can be changed as required. Tellius supports all four algorithms ​​by Highcharts: 
  • Slice and Dice (applied by default)
  • Squarified
  • Stripes
  • Strip
Treemap chart algorithms
  1. For more information about chart configuration, check out Create Visualization Chart and Configure Chart Panel.

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