Reach us via Chat with me option on Help page to receive immediate support on mission critical issues.Screenshot of HELP page on Tellius Platform
If Chat with me option is not available (Tellius server down / Chat not responsive > 15 minutes), reach out to your Sales Engineer & Sales Account Manager via email / call.
If the previous steps get you no response in the first 30 minutes, email
As a final measure, if no response is received in the first hour and the severity of the issue is mission-critical, then please email This will escalate to Head of Product & CEO.
For non-critical issues, use Feedback option on the Help page to provide details on the features / improvements requested.
Step 2:
Issue acknowledged by Tellius
A severity will be assigned and link provided to track status of the issue
Here's a quick view on how severity will be assigned and what's the expected SLA
Severity, Impact, SLAs
Business Impact
First Response
Update Frequency
Mission Critical
60 Minutes
Continuous updates once acknowledged by Tellius team
1 business day
Multiple updates in 24-48 hours
2-3 business days
5-10 business days
3-5 business days
Monthly Updates
Each customer will have access to a tracker on Notion system. The issue will be added to your tracker on Notion system. Please email to request additional emails with access to the tracker.
Step 3:
Access the Notion tracker to check status, get updates and communicate on the issuesScreenshot of Notion List for customers to File bugs
The issues will go through the following lifecycle
Issue status
Issue Lifecycle
Issue filed by Customer / SE / QA / Engineering / Product
Feature is working as expected. Issue in not valid. Please check the reason in Comments section
2-Cannot Replicate
Issue cannot be replicated by Tellius. Please check the Comments section and respond in order to collaborate with Tellius on verifying the issue
2-To be Assigned
Issue is valid as verified by Tellius. It is ready to be assigned to an engineer on the team
2-Waiting on customer
Tellius is waiting on customer to respond with additional details
Issue is actively been worked on by a Tellius Engineering.
Issue has been resolved and tested by Tellius Engineering
5-Fix Available
Patch is ready for deployment to customer's instance. Tellius Operations needs a green light from customer to update their instance
6-Fix Deployed
Patch that resolves the issue was successfully deployed on customer's instance
Customer confirmed that issue doesn't exists anymore on their instance
On Notion, you can do the following:
Review the status on the issues/ requests
Follow-up on request for additional details
Communicate with the support engineer
Step 4:
Updating your Tellius instance
Once the issue has reached 5-Fix Available stage, the engineer/sales team will reach out to request for a time window when your instance can be updated.
Instance will be upgraded with a patch (or new version) during the agreed upon time window and status of the issue will be updated to 6-Fix Deployed.
Customer needs to verify the fix on their instance and put it a comment on notion issue. The issue will then be moved to 7-Closed stage.
Note on Severity Levels
Severity 1 [1-Critical]
Tellius Platform in production is severely impacted that you cannot reasonably continue mission critical work.
You experience a complete loss of service.
The impacted operation is mission critical to the business and the situation is an emergency.
Severity 1 service request has one or more of the following characteristics:
Server crashes, and crashes repeatedly after restart attempts
Server hangs indefinitely, causing indefinite delays for response
Critical documented function is not available
Data is not available/corrupted
Tellius will use reasonable efforts to respond to Severity 1 service requests within 60 minutes.
Tellius will work 24x7 until the Severity 1 service request is resolved, a reasonable work-around is put in place, or as long as useful progress can be made.
You must provide Tellius with a technical contact during this 24x7 period to assist with data gathering, testing, and applying fixes.
You are required to propose this severity classification with great care, so that valid Severity 1 situations obtain the necessary resource allocation from Tellius.
Severity 2 [1-High]
You experience a severe loss of service.
Important features of the Tellius Platform are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.
Severity 3 [3-Medium]
You experience a minor loss of service.
The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality.
Severity 4 [4-Low]
You request information, enhancement, or documentation clarification regarding the Tellius Platform, but there is no impact on the operation of such service.