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Apply and delete filters

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Applying filters

There are two ways in which you can apply filters to a Vizpad:

  1. Local Filter (filters applied to a Viz)
  2. Global filters (filters applied to all the Viz in a Vizpad)
Local filter

To apply a local filter, the following fields need to be provided:

  1. actionType: vizFilter
  2. vizID: ID of the Viz
  3. column: column name for which the filter is to be applied
  4. value: value to be applied
  5. operator: operator to be applied

When the following code is applied, the filter "Sales >= 10000" will be applied to the individual Viz (of ID "vizID_for_local_filter) of a Vizpad.

telliusFrame.postMessage ({
actionType: "vizFilter",
filters: [{
vizId: "vizID_for_local_filter",
value: "10000",
column: "Sales",
operator: ">="
}, "*");

Global filter

To apply a global filter at the tab level, the following fields need to be provided:

  1. actionType: vizpadFilter
  2. column: column name for which the filter is to be applied
  3. value: value to be applied
  4. operator: operator to be applied
  5. allTabs: If set to true, then the filters will be applied for all the tabs in a Vizpad. If set to false, then the filters will be applied only to the currently active tab.

When the following code is applied, the filter "Ship_Mode does not contain 'same'" will be applied to all the Viz present in the current tab (since allTabs is set to false) of a Vizpad.

telliusFrame.postMessage ({
actionType: "vizpadFilter",
filters: [{
value: "Same",
column: "Ship_Mode",
operator: "Does not contain"
allTabs: false
}, "*");

Supported filters

The following are the types of filters supported in a Vizpad:

  • Operators
  • Timeline filters
  • Resolution filters
  • < (less than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • > (greater than) 
  • >= (greater than or equal to)
  • = (equal to)
  • != (not equal to)
  • >= & <= (between)
  • in
  • not in
  • like (contains, starts with, ends with)
  • not like (does not contain, does not start with)
When like operator is used, you can use the value contains or starts with or ends with for the conditionName field as required. If no conditionName field is mentioned, it will be considered as contains.

Here is a sample code for like operator that uses conditionName field.

actionType: "vizFilter",
filters: [{
vizId: "ID_of_Viz",
value: "New",
column: "store_state",
operator: "like",
conditionName: "starts with"
}, "*");

Two filters are required to support the between operator

Here is a sample code for using between operator:

actionType: "vizFilter",
filters: [{
vizId: "ID_of_Viz",
value: "900",
column: "Shipping_Cost",
operator: ">=",
}, {
vizId: "ID_of_Viz",
value: "1200",
column: "Shipping_Cost",
operator: "<="
}, "*");
Timeline filters

The following operators are supported for timeline filters

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 5 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 15 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • This month
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 6 months
  • This year
  • Last year
  • Last 3 years
  • Last 6 years
  • Custom range (user-defined time period)

Here is a sample code for applying custom time range:

telliusFrame.postMessage ({
actionType: "vizFilter",
filters: [{
value: {
start: "2014-02-18T00:00:00Z",
end: "2018-02-18T00:00:00Z"
column: "Ship_Date",
filterKind: "vizTimelineFilter",
vizId: "ID_of_Viz",
}, "*");
Resolution filters

The following operators are supported for the resolution filter:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly

Here is a sample code for applying the resolution filter:

actionType: "resolution",
timeColumn: {
resolution: "quarterly",
}, "*");

Removing filters

To remove a filter (local or global), the following fields need to be provided:

  1. actionType: remove all filters or a specific filter from a Viz/Vizpad
  2. Id: ID of the filter
  3. vizID: ID of the Viz (if required)

The following are some of the code samples on removing filters in different ways:

  1. To remove all filters applied to a Vizpad
actionType: "removeAllVizFilter"
}, "*");
  1. To remove a specific filter applied to a Vizpad (removes the specific filter from all the Viz and all the tabs)
actionType: "removeVizpadFilter",
id: "advancedFilter_idD_5j7kiov0e",
}, "*");
  1. To remove a specific filter applied to a Viz
actionType: "removeVizFilter",
vizId: "f086db5c-e824-4bce-a1ec-07d005d8196f",
id: "advancedFilter_idD_maqkb30lh",
}, "*");

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