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Displaying query execution time

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Understanding query execution time

It's common for users to encounter query execution time that is slower than expected. This lag can often be attributed to external resources rather than being a problem with Tellius. However, it's crucial to identify and understand the sources of such delays in order to effectively address them.

As a step to enhance transparency, we track and display the time spent by Tellius and other external data engines (such as Snowflake) to execute every query. With this, we provide a clear picture of performance metrics, which in turn assists users in identifying bottlenecks and aids in streamlining the troubleshooting process.

Displaying query execution time

Following the execution of a query in Search and Vizpads, we provide a breakdown of the time taken by Tellius and any external resources to execute the query and load the corresponding chart. This detailed breakdown includes all stages of the process, including caching and execution.

  • For live resources, we display both the total time taken to execute a query and the breakdown of time spent by individual resources.
  • For non-live resources, we display the total time taken by Tellius to execute a query.

The display of query execution time can be configured at different levels

  • Instance-level
  • Search/Vizpad level
  • Chart level


From Application Settings, admins can configure the query execution time for the entire instance.

  1. Navigate Settings --> Application Settings --> Query Time.
  2. Under Query Time
  • Enable Show query time in Search to display the query execution time for every query executed in Search. If disabled, then the query time will not be displayed in Search.
  • Enable Show query time in Explore (Vizpads) to display the query execution time for every chart loaded in Vizpads. If disabled, then the query time will not be displayed in Vizpads.


  1. Upon executing a search query and visualizing the results, the time taken to execute the query will be displayed in the Search Inspector pane under Time Taken.
  2. Click on the expand icon next to Time Taken to view the breakdown of the time taken.
  1. Click on Show Details to view the time taken by individual query (such as request, rendering, pre-processing etc.) in the Query time breakdown window. Each query's comprehensive details, including the ID, description, and the resource in which it was executed, will be displayed.


For both View and Edit modes, Tellius displays the time taken by Tellius and external resources to execute the query and load every chart in a Vizpad.

View mode

In the View mode of a Vizpad, click on the timer icon to turn on/off the query execution time. The following Show Query Time menu will be displayed.

Edit mode

When editing a Vizpad, the query loading time can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the timer icon placed between Run Queries on and Settings at the top right corner.

  1. If Show query time in chart menu is enabled, then the details of the total time taken to execute a query will be displayed in the three-dot kebab menu of every chart.
  1. Click on the Query Time Details to view the breakdown of the query executed. Each query's comprehensive details, including the ID, description, and the resource in which it was executed, will be displayed.
  1. If Show query time in chart menu is disabled, then the query time will not be displayed as a part of the chart's menu.
  2. If Show query time on chart is enabled by the admins on a Vizpad, then the details of the time taken to execute a query will be displayed on the top right corner of every chart (in the form of a pill). This helps in providing a quick, holistic overview of the time taken to load each chart in a Vizpad.
While Show query time in chart menu is available for all users, Show query time on chart is available only to admins.
  1. Click on the time pill to view the breakdown of the time taken to load the query breakdown. Each query's comprehensive details, including the ID, description, and the resource in which it was executed, will be displayed.
  1. If the Show query time on chart toggle is disabled, then the details of the time taken to execute a query will not be displayed on every chart.
Please note that any changes made to the display of the query time in View mode will be reflected in the Edit mode and vice versa.

For example, if Show query time in chart menu toggle is disabled in the View mode, then the Show query time toggle will be disabled for every individual charts in Edit mode by default.

Similarly, if Show query time toggle is enabled for an individual chart in Edit mode, then Total time taken will be displayed in the three-dot menu for that particular chart in View mode.

Chart level

  1. While editing a Vizpad, click on an individual chart to show/hide query execution time on that specific chart.
  1. In the right Configuration pane, if Show Query Time toggle is enabled, then a three-dot kebab menu will appear on the top right corner of the chart. If the toggle is disabled, then the three
  2. Click on the three-dot menu, and the time taken to execute a query will be displayed. Click on Query Time Details to view the breakdown of the time taken.

Understanding the queries

In Tellius, multiple types of queries are utilized to extract, manipulate, and visualize your data. Each query has a specific purpose and contributes to a different aspect of the data analysis process.

Query time breakdown

In the Query time breakdown window, a table will be displayed with three columns: Query ID, Query action and the time taken to execute the query in Tellius or other external resources. For a detailed understanding, the description of every Query action is listed below:

Total count query

This query is executed to determine the total row count, which is essential in generating statistical insights. It helps you understand the overall volume of data within your dataset.

Max date query

This query is used to retrieve the most recent date within your dataset. It's critical for calculating relative time filters, allowing you to observe and analyze trends over specific periods.

Percentage calculation

This query calculates the denominator value for percentage or market share calculations. It's useful when you need to understand proportions or market dynamics in your data.

Top/bottom query

This query is used to identify the top or bottom 'N' values of a dimension in your dataset, typically in situations involving filters or sorting.

Cohort query

This query is used to calculate Cohort Totals or SubTotals, aiding in cohort analysis—which is a powerful tool for understanding customer behavior over time.

Internal pre/post-processing

This process involves preprocessing user inputs, generating queries for the data source, and post-processing query results—thereby ensuring accurate data analysis.

Rendering on browser

This process involves rendering the charts on the browser and managing the network bandwidth between the browser and the server, ensuring prompt display of your visualizations.

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