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Kaiya Learnings

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

You can teach Kaiya Search how to interpret specific words or phrases in your search queries. This enhances the search experience by ensuring that Kaiya understands and processes queries according to your specific business context.

There are two types of Kaiya Learnings:

  • Business View-level Learning
  • System-level Learning

Business View-level Learning

These are specific to the current Business View and do not affect other parts of the system. They are ideal for context-specific mappings, like associating "core customer reach" with the average profit within that particular Business View.

  1. Click on the user icon and navigate to Data → Business View → Learnings → Kaiya.
  2. Initially, if there are no learnings, you will find an option to create new learnings.
  3. Click on the Create new learning button and the following window will be displayed.
  4. Under Learning Phrase, provide a phrase which you want to be interpreted in a specific way. Under Meaning, provide the actual meaning which needs to be replaced for the phrase and click on Create.
  5. The created learning will be displayed, which can be removed, if required.
  1. For example, if you added “growth” should mean “absolute change in Sales", then search queries containing "growth” will be automatically interpreted as “absolute change in Sales" when the specific Business View is involved in Kaiya Search.

System-level Learning

These learnings are applied globally, affecting all users and queries on the platform, regardless of the Business View. They are suitable for establishing general rules and definitions, such as mapping abbreviations to their full meanings (e.g., PLV meaning Pluvicto).

  1. Click on the Settings → Application Settings → Kaiya → Kaiya Learnings.
  2. Initially, if there are no learnings, you will find an option to create new learnings.
  1. Click on the Create new learning button and the following window will be displayed.
  1. Under Phrase, provide a phrase which you want to be interpreted in a specific way. Under Meaning, provide the actual meaning which needs to be replaced for the phrase and click on Create.
  2. The created learning will be displayed, which can be removed, if required.
  1. For example, if you added “PLV” should mean “Pluvicto”, then search queries containing “PLV” will be automatically interpreted as Pluvicto across Tellius, irrespective of the Business View.

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