Changelog - 5.3.2

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

The version 5.3.2 significantly improves usability, visualization accuracy, and overall stability across Vizpads, Insights, Kaiya conversational Search, and the data preparation workflow. Let's dive into the details.

  1. In Vizpads, fixed the issue with the download of pivot table in Excel format not respecting the user-defined limits set in the export popup.
  2. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the data labels of line charts displayed dimension names instead of their corresponding values. 
  3. Resolved an issue where Vizpad thumbnails were not being automatically saved or updated.
  4. In Kaiya, resolved an issue where Kaiya Learnings did not work with certain filter operators, such as "Contains" and "Not Equals".
  5. In Kaiya, resolved an issue where users were unable to add a learning if a filter for the same keyword was already applied through search. 
  6. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where chart visualizations failed to render when global filters were applied without common columns. 
  7. During the creation of Insights, resolved an issue where only columns searched in the search box were included in the Include/Exclude selection box.
  8. Under Data → Prepare → Data, resolved an issue where filter values were not displayed in the Filter column window. 
  9. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the Switch Chart popup window overlapped with the charts incorrectly in View Mode. 
  10. In Projects page, fixed the issue with inaccurate pagination and now correctly displays only the filtered results.
  11. Resolved an issue where display names set at the dataset level (Data → Prepare) were not correctly reflected in Business View (Date → Business View).
  12. Under Data → Prepare → Metadata → Edit, fixed the issue where metadata changes performed in bulk for multiple columns overrode other metadata changes.
  13. Under Data → Dataset → Edit SQL Load, fixed the issue with validating the code when a column is removed from the SQL.
  14. Kaiya conversational Search now provides clearer and more engaging responses across various scenarios, including zero results, query misunderstandings, timeouts, and unexpected errors.
  15. In Search, resolved an issue where updating a query rendered a new chart but incorrectly retained the old Drill state. Additionally, fixed an issue where Search results were sometimes unresponsive in interactive drill-down menus.
  16. In Kaiya conversational Search, resolved an issue where Auto BV was inaccessible to non-admin users.
  17. Kaiya conversational Search now handles revoked BV permissions in both Auto BV and Manual mode during live chat and chat history. If a user loses access to a selected BV, it will be automatically unselected, and a message will notify them of the revoked permission.
  18. Resolved an issue where users could not edit or create a Trend Driver from Search with a pre-defined time slice, as the time slice popup was incorrectly leading to an error page.
  19. Under Settings → Advanced → Kaiya, the UI has been improved with a more streamlined layout, organized toggles, and informative tooltips for better clarity.
  20. In Search, fixed the issue where the "Add to Search Guide" button visible to all users instead of only Admins and Superusers.
  21. In Data, added a "TurnOnPeriodicRefresh" option to enable periodic refresh for datasets and data sources. Additionally, users can now delete an active refresh schedule before creating a new one, ensuring better control over refresh configurations.
  22. In Kaiya conversational Search, resolved the issue with using the "previous" keyword (as in "previous 2 quarters") as time filters in search queries.
  23. In the Notifications page, resolved an issue where updating the date/time of a dataset refresh job created a duplicate entry. Now, the old schedule is automatically removed when an update is made.
  24. In Search results, resolved an issue where the "Keep", "Remove", and "Drill" actions were not functioning when charts were rendered with a weekly resolution and a weekend date was enabled.
  25. In Kaiya conversational Search, resolved an issue where the feedback by Kaiya displayed duplicate learning entries and updating the date column did not reflect the changes.
  26. Under Data → Prepare → Metadata, resolved an intermittent issue where requesting Kaiya to generate synonyms triggered a console error.
Tag Example
  1. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where dropdown values in viz controls were not displaying correctly after saving a Vizpad, applying filter changes, or switching between Business Views.
  2. Under Data → Business View → Data, resolved an issue where the display name of Business View did not update properly when it matched the the display name of the Dataset.
  3. In Vizpads, fixed the issue when downloading charts as JPG, the file extension was missing on Windows.
  4.  In Vizpads, resolved an issue where global filters were not being passed when downloading a pivot table as Excel or CSV.
  5. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the range slider and the global filter pill were not synchronized when switching between saved Business Views.
  6. Resolved an issue where sharing permissions did not remain intact when moving a Vizpad linked to a Business View, especially for users without edit access. 
  7. Under Data → Prepare → Data, a clear message is now displayed for tables with no data, instead of showing rows with empty values.
  8. Resolved an issue where Insights scheduled for refresh displayed outdated dates at the View level; now, the time slice text updates dynamically to reflect the latest calculations.
  9. In Kaiya conversational Search, resolved an issue where handling certain queries that involved top/bottom rankings were not processed correctly.
Tag Example

  1. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where date filters failed to apply for visualizations when Bulk Apply was enabled, resulting in an error.
  2. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the slider control reverted to its original value after users attempted to set a new value.
  3. Under Settings → Users & Groups, resolved an issue where searching for users, user groups, or users within groups showed incorrect pagination, causing inconsistent result offsets.
  4. Under Data → Prepare → Metadata, resolved an issue where setting a display name identical to the column name of the original dataset was not allowed.
  5. Under Data → Prepare → Metadata, fixed an issue where incorrect transformations were applied after switching between datasets or reloading the page.
  6. Resolved an issue where the right side of the slider control was not initially visible after reloading the page in View and Edit modes of Vizpads. 
  7. In Vizpads, resolved an issue causing filter pills to turn red and display errors when switching Business Views. 
  8. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where charts with long load times displayed an error page; timeouts are now handled gracefully, ensuring the page remains responsive.
  9. In Vizpads, fixed an issue in table/detail tables where column resizing was inconsistent on the first attempt and reverted to the original state.
  10. In Vizpads, fixed an issue where irrelevant error notifications appeared when toggling between View and Edit modes.
  11. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where range sliders did not properly display extreme values with large decimal numbers and slider marks were not visible for the "In-between" range setting. 
  12. Resolved intermittent login errors experienced when using SAML authentication, ensuring more reliable and consistent logins.
  13. Under Data → Business View → Data, resolved an issue where unintended extra spaces appeared within single-word Business View column names.
  14. In Vizpads, increased the data point limit for scatter plot charts, enabling clearer visualization of larger datasets.
  15. In Kaiya conversational Search, resolved an issue where Kaiya incorrectly applied the market share filter only to market share calculations, instead of applying it as a global filter across the entire query.
  16. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the Exclude filter selection in control filters wasn't properly saved in custom views, causing inconsistencies when switching between the default and custom views.
  17. In Insights, provided notification messages when summary generation experiences a gateway timeout.
  18. Under Data → Prepare → Data, resolved an issue where creating a Business View folder with the same name as an existing Dataset folder did not display the appropriate error message.
  19. Resolved an issue where an incorrect error message appeared if the display name of a column in a Business View (Under Data → Business View) matched the column's display name in the Dataset (Under Data → Prepare). Now, identical names are handled correctly, and the Business View's display name appropriately takes precedence without errors.
  20. Under Settings → Users & Groups → Synchronization, resolved an issue where the scheduled jobs table did not update automatically after adding or running a job, causing new job details to appear only after a page refresh. 
  21. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where the format dropdown in text viz was hidden when the text viz size was too small.
  22. Under Data → Users & Groups → Synchronization, resolved an issue where updating only the Secret in Azure connection settings did not display the Save button, and displayed the Synchronize button instead. 
  23. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where turning Data Labels on or off didn't work correctly for scatter plot charts when a column was placed in the Size by bucket. 
  24. In Vizpads, resolved an issue where control filters (dropdowns, sliders, and list selections) were not correctly retained in custom views or when switching between default and custom view.
  25. In Kaiya conversational Search, fixed an issue where the market share filter was not properly reflected in the Search Query Inspector.

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