What's New
Changelog - 5.2.2
Changelog - 5.2.1
Release 5.2
Changelog - 5.1.3
Changelog - 5.1.2
Changelog - 5.1.1
Release 5.1
Changelog - 5.0.5
Changelog - 5.0.4
Changelog - 5.0.3
Changelog - 5.0.2
Changelog - 5.0.1
Release 5.0
Changelog - 4.3.4
Changelog - 4.3.3
Changelog - 4.3.2
Changelog - 4.3.1
Release 4.3 (Fall 2023)
Changelog - 4.2.7
Changelog - 4.2.6
Changelog - 4.2.5
Changelog - 4.2.4
Changelog - 4.2.3
Changelog - 4.2.1
Changelog - 4.2.2
Release 4.2
Changelog - 4.1.5
Changelog - 4.1.4
Changelog - 4.1.3
Changelog - 4.1.2
Changelog - 4.1.1
Release 4.1
Release 4.0
Release 3.9
Release 3.8
Release 3.7
Release 3.6
Release 3.5
Release 3.4
Release 3.3
Release 3.2
Release 3.1
Release 3.0
Release 2.4.1
Release 2.4
Free Cloud Trial
Release 1.8
Release 2.3
Release 2.2
Release 2.1
Release 2.0
Release 1.7
Release 1.6
Release 1.5
Getting Started
Quick Guide
Best Practices Guide
Search - Best Practices
Vizpads (Explore) - Best Practices
Insights (Discover) - Best Practices
Predict - Best Practices
Data - Best Practices
Tellius 101
Navigating around Tellius
System requirements
Tellius Architecture
Installation steps for Tellius
Guided tours for quick onboarding
Customizing Tellius
Search (Natural Language)
Search in Tellius
Guide Me
How to Search
Business View List / Columns
Percentage Queries
Time Period Queries
Live Query
Generating Insights-based queries from Search
Search Result
Discover Insights
Chart Operations
Add to Vizpad
Table View
Switch Chart type
Change Chart Config
Apply Filters
Change Formatting
Measure Aggregation - Market Share Change
View Raw Data
Download/ Export
Embed URL
Partial Data for Visualization
Best-fit visual
Add to Vizpad
Adding the chart to a Vizpad
Customize the auto-picked columns
Search Query Inspector
Teach Tellius
Guided Search
Add Guided Search Experience
Display Names in the Search Guide
Guided Search
Guided Search Syntax and Attributes
Deep Dive
Maps in Search
Search Keywords
Percentage Queries
Time Period Queries
Year-over-Year Analysis
Additional Filters
List View In Search Results
Marketshare queries
Embed Search
Personalized Search
Search Cheat Sheet
Filters in Help Tellius Learn
Explore (Vizpads)
Dashboards in Tellius
Vizpad Creation
Create Interactive Content
Create Visualization Charts
List of Charts
Common Chart Types
Line Chart
Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Year-over-Year Functionality in Vizpad
Area Chart
Combo Chart
KPI Target Chart
Bubble Chart
Heat-Map Charts
Scatter Chart
Other Charts
Cumulative line chart
Cohort Chart
Explainable AI Charts
For each chart
Create Visualization Charts
Global Filters
Embedded Filters
Other Content
Anomaly management for charts
Creating Interactive Content
Vizpad level Interactions
Viz level Interactions
Discover Insights
Discover hidden insights - Genius Insights
How Genius Insights works
Discoveries in Insight
Anomalies on Trend
Chart Operations
Switch Chart type
Change Chart Config
Apply Filters
Change Formatting
Add X/Y Axis Target Lines to Scatter Chart
Improvements to Conditional Formatting
Adding Annotations to Tables
Displaying query execution time
Embedding Vizpad
Vizpad Consumption
Collection of Interactive Content
Vizpad level Interactions
Global Filter on the fly
Global Resolutions
Notifications / Alerts
Download / Export
Unique name for Vizpads
Edit Column Width
Viz level Interactions
Importing bulk filter values
Multi-Business View Vizpads
Discover (Genius Insights)
What are discoveries
Type of Discoveries in Tellius
Create Discoveries
Kick-off Key Drivers
Edit Insights
Key Driver Insights
Components of Key Drivers
What are Key Drivers
Edit Key Driver Insights
Segment Drivers
Trend Drivers
Trend Insights (Why Insights)
Components of Trend Insights
WHAT: Top Contributors
WHY: Top Reasons
HOW: Top Recommendations
Seamlessly navigating to "Why" from "What"
Create Trend Insight
Edit Trend Insights
What are Trend Insights
Comparison Insights
Components of Comparison Insights
Create Comparison Insight
What are Comparison Insights
Edit Comparison Insights
Others Actions
Share Insights
Adding Insights to Vizpad
Insights Enhancements
Embedding Insight
Impact Calculation for Top Contributors
Live Insights
Predict (Machine Learning)
Machine Learning
How to create AutoML models
What is AutoML
Point-n-Click Predict
Feed (Track Metrics)
Assistant (Conversations)
Tellius on Mobile devices
Data (Connect, Transform, Model)
Connector Setup
Google BigQuery
Google Cloud SQL
Connecting to a PostgreSQL Cloud SQL Instance
Connecting to an MSSQL Cloud SQL Instance
Connecting to a MySQL Cloud SQL Instance
Snowflake Best Practices
OAuth support for Snowflake
Integrating Snowflake with Azure AD via OAuth
Integrating Snowflake with Okta via OAuth
Edit Connector
Live Connect
Data Import
Direct Business View
JDBC connector for PrestoDB
Amazon S3
Time-to-Live (TTL) and Caching
Loading Excel sheets
Looker SQL Interface
Connecting to an AlloyDB Cluster
List of Connectors by Type
Tables Connections
Custom SQL
Schedule Connector Refresh
Share Connections
Load Datasets
Configure Datasets (Measure/Dimensions)
Transform Datasets
Create Business View
Share Datasets
Copy Datasets
Delete Datasets
Swapping datasources
Metadata migration
Data Prep
Data Profiling / Statistics
Dataset Transform
Aggregate Transforms
Calculated Columns
SQL Transform
Python Transform
Create Hierarchies
Filter Data
SQL Code Snippets
Multiple Datasets Scripting SQL
Column Transforms
Column Metadata
Column type
Feature type
Data type
Special Types
Rename Column
Filter Column
Delete Column
Variable Display Names
Other Functions
Metadata View
Dataset Information
Dataset Preview
Alter Pipeline Stage
Edit / Publish Datasets
Data Pipeline (Visual)
Partitioning for JDBC Datasets
Export Dataset
Write-back capabilities
Data Fusion
Schedule Refresh
Business Views
Create Business View
Create Business View
Datasets Preview & List
Add datasets to Model
Column selection
Column configuration
Primary Date
Geo-tagging state/country/city
Save to Fast Query Engine
Business View
What is Data Model
BV Visual Representation (Preview)
BV Data Sample
Learnings (from Teach Me)
Custom Calculations (Report-level Calc)
Predictions on BV
BV Refresh
Export/ Download Business View
Share Business View
URL in Business View
Request Edit Access
Tellius Engine: Comparison of In-Memory vs. Live Mode
Projects (Organize Content)
Monitor Tellius
Embedding Tellius
About Tellius
User Profile
Admin Settings
Manage Users
Team (Users)
Details & Role
Create a new user
Edit user details
Assigning the user data to another user
Restricting the dataset for a user
Deleting a user
Assign User Objects
User roles and permissions
Teammates (Groups)
Authentication & Authorization
Authorization (Roles)
API Access (OAuth Access)
Audit Logs
Application & Advanced Settings
Machine Learning
Genius Insights
Usage tracking & Support
Download Business View, Dataset, and Insights for Live BV
Customize Help
Data Size Estimation and Calculation
Miscellaneous Application Settings
Configuration for time/date-related results
Dataflow Access
Enable In-memory operations on Live sources
Language Support
Setup & Configuration
Installation Guide
AWS Marketplace
Backup and Restore
Help & Support
Data Preparation FAQs
Environment FAQs
Search FAQs
Vizpads FAQs
Data Caching
Security FAQs
Embedding FAQs
Insights FAQs
Tellius Product Roadmap
Help and Support System
Guided Tours
Product Videos
Articles & Docs
Provide Feedback
Connect with Tellius team
Support Process
Tellius Kaiya
Say hello to Tellius Kaiya 👋
Automating the generation and validation of SQL/Python code
Kaiya Learnings
Automating the generation of metadata
Kaiya mode in Search
Chart and tab summaries
Getting Started Videos
Getting Started
Tellius Connect
Tellius Data Overview Video
Connecting to Flat Files Video
Connecting to Data Sources Video
Live Connections Video
Data Refresh and Scheduling Video
Tellius Prep
Getting Started with Tellius Prep Video
Transformations, Indicators, Signatures, Aggregations and Filters Video
SQL and Python Video
Working with Dates Video
Data Fusion Video
Business View Video
Business Mapping Video
Report Level Calculations Video
Writeback to DB
Natural Language Search
Getting Started with Search Video
How-To Search Video
Customizing Search Results Video
Search Interactions Video
Help Tellius Learn
Explore - Vizpads
Getting Started with Vizpads Video
Creating Vizpads Video
Creating and Configuring Visualizations Video
Viz-Level Interactions Video
Vizpad-Level Interactions Video
Auto Insights
Getting Started with Auto Insights Video
Discovery Insights Video
Segment Insights Video
Trend Insights Video
Comparison Insights Video
Iterate on Insights Video
Tellius Feed Video
Predict - ML Modeling
Getting Started with Predict Video
AutoML Configuration Video
AutoML Leaderboard Video
Point-n-Click Regression Video
Point-n-Click Classification Video
Point-n-Click Clustering Video
Point-n-Click Time Series Video
Point-n-Click PythonML Video
PredictAPI Video
Apply ML Model Video
ML Refresh and Schedule Video
Best Practices & FAQs
API Documentation
Vizpad APIs
User & user groups APIs
Machine Learning APIs
Fall 2023 (4.3)
Table of Contents
- All Categories
- What's New
- Changelog - 5.0.3
Changelog - 5.0.3
Updated by Ramya Priya
The latest version 5.0.3 delivers a range of improvements and fixes across various modules to enhance overall functionality and user experience. This update addresses multiple issues related to data visualization, user interface consistency, and system performance. Users will benefit from improved stability, more intuitive controls, and better handling of complex queries and datasets.
📈 Enhancements
Support for switching KPI charts
In Vizpads, KPI charts can be switched to any required chart. Users can select an existing chart and switch it to the available chart from the Chart Type dropdown in the Configuration pane.
However, the KPI chart needs to be resized to cover a 3x3 grid area within the Vizpad layout before switching to the selected chart. This enhances flexibility, allowing users to customize their dashboards to better suit their analytical needs while ensuring adequate space for the new chart type.
Increased dimensions for pivot tables in Vizpads
The number of dimensions for pivot table rows and columns in Vizpads has been increased from 5 to 10, supporting up to 10 columns in both rows and columns. This enhancement allows for more complex data analysis and greater detail in pivot tables, enabling users to uncover deeper insights by incorporating more dimensions into their analyses.
Strengthening Kaiya Search
The prompts for Kaiya-powered Search have been enhanced to provide more cohesive and meaningful responses for complex queries. This improvement enhances the quality of results generated by Kaiya, making it easier for users to obtain relevant and comprehensive answers to their complex questions, thereby improving the overall search experience.
🛠️ Minor fixes
- In Trend Insights, the display of relevant numbers in status bars above “Top Change Contributors” has been fixed.
- When embedding a Vizpad, fixed the display of date picker and the application of date filters to charts.
- In Notifications, fixed the issue with retrying failed “Publish” jobs of Business Views.
- In Insights, the issue with displaying sentiment (red, down arrow for decrease and green, up arrow for increase) has been resolved for “Contributors to the increase/drop” section.
- Under Settings → Users & Groups, fixed the issue with adding a user to a user group.
- Added error message in the top banner to indicate the longer response times and timeout.
- In Insights, resolved the issue with providing share permissions to a view-only user.
- Under Settings → Users & Groups, the issue with displaying longer user names has been fixed.
- In Insights, resolved the issue with displaying relevant charts after removing a filter from the “Why” section.
- In Vizpads, fixed the issue with displaying the aggregation twice for any column added under conditional formatting.
- Resolved the issue with navigating to the Backup & Restore page from different pages across Tellius.
- Under the “Why” section of Insights, resolved the issue with the color palette of trend charts.
- Under Data → Prepare → Schedule, a progress bar will be displayed to indicate the uploading process and the associated “Refresh” button will be disabled until the upload is completed.
- In Insights, after clicking on “Show why”, fixed the issue with the display of relevant charts as per the applied filter.
- For shared Vizpads, fixed the issue with displaying active Business Views and filters in the right configuration pane.
- In Trend Driver Insights, calculated columns can no longer be assigned as target measure aggregations.
- In Vizpads, fixed the issue with displaying the Configuration pane after saving an empty multi-select control filter.
- The issue with publishing Business Views from the Notifications page (reconfiguring) has been fixed.
- In Vizpads, removed the additional message displayed when trying to export Vizpads.
- Under Data → Prepare → Data, removed the options to rename and delete the datasets shared in View mode.
- In Trend Driver Insights, fixed the issue with applying date filters for the Segment section.
- Resolved the issue with successfully submitting feedback from the Help page.
- Under Data → Business Views, after selecting a Business View, the associated Publish button will be disabled until the Business View gets loaded completely.
- Under Settings → Application Settings → Miscellaneous, fixed the issue with enabling/disabling the Offline Render toggle for Report Configuration.
- In the Conditional Formatting popup of Vizpads, fixed the issue with displaying duplicate aggregation for the selected columns to be formatted.
- Under Settings → Security → OAuth access, resolved the issue with displaying the selected Scope for newly created clients.
- In Vizpads, fixed the issue with maintaining the formatting after changing the aggregation for pivot tables.
- Datasets should be labeled as "Facts" or "Dimensions", while unlabeled datasets are treated as "Dimensions". This information will be stored in the Requests collection in MongoDB. If a user's analysis involves multiple Fact groups without direct joins, an error will be triggered. Separate analyses will be performed for each Fact group if needed.
- Improved graph processing to eliminate redundant joins when using distant datasets, enhancing efficiency for in-database Snowflake queries.
- Under Settings → My Profile, resolved the issue with applying and saving Language Preferences.
- In Comparison Insights, fixed the issue with the display of irrelevant dates when editing the date columns.
- In Insights, fixed the design issues with “Move Insights” pop-up.
- Disabled preview for live Snowflake BusinessViews with deduplication enabled due to performance issues and the impracticality of previewing exploded data.
- In Vizpads, resolved the issue with saving and retaining the changes made to the column width of tables.
- The deletion of any type of object (Insights, Vizpads etc.) is restricted only to admins and the original creators. On hovering over the disabled "Delete" option in any object shared in Edit mode, a relevant tooltip will be displayed.
- Under Settings → Application Settings → Assistant, fixed the issue with displaying the uploaded logo.
- When configuring Comparison Insights, only two types of modes (Instant and Fast) will be displayed.
- In Vizpad charts, resolved the issue with displaying Y-axis titles in tooltips.
- In Vizpads, fixed the issue with displaying relevant filter values (as per the typed characters in Search field) when applying local filters.
- Using Help Tellius Learn, the learnings that were created referring to incorrect column names will be ignored.
- In Search, resolved an issue where Insight generation from a chart was failing if attempted after using the “Remove” action.
- In Vizpads, added tooltips for “Expand” and “Shrink” actions in the top right corner of every chart.
- Fixed an issue where Vizpads were not being deleted when their associated Business Views were deleted.