Components of Key Drivers

Top Predictive Factors

In the Insight, the Key Drivers area displays the information about percentage of top factors in the data that drives the selected feature.

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Top Segments

Segment Drivers analyze the change of a particular feature throughout different areas of the data. Tellius identifies these segments by analyzing the data for a change in behavior pattern in the sele…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Segment Density

Segment density is the number of times the driving factor is occurring in a particular segment out of the total no. of records in the dataset. You can click each segment panel to view the density of…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

Explore Segments

In the recommended segments section, each Segment thumbnail provides the Explore Segment button. Click the Explore Segment button to explore the segment further and gain more insights. In the Explore…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

# of Recommendations

In the Segment Insights, the Drivers tab provides information about multiple set of high and low recommendations based on the current Insight Configuration. In High number of recommendations, segment…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda

ML Model

For a Segment Insight, you can view the metrics. The metrics include: Model information : Information about the machine learning model used to generate the segment insight. Evaluation : Evaluation of…

Hardik Chheda
Updated by Hardik Chheda
